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I hate the sport?

Pour bien des gens, bouger n'est pas un problème. Ils  font tout ce qui est en leur pouvoir pour s'entraîner le plus souvent et le plus longtemps possible. Et même, ils semblent tirer un réel plaisir à le faire. Par contre, pour d'autres personnes, les exercices peuvent être perçus comme un supplice et une perte de temps.
En tant qu'entraîneur spécialisé en perte de poids, je peux vous confirmer que bien des gens ont peu d'intérêt envers la pratique régulière d'activité physique. Une cliente m'a déjà confié qu'elle aimerait tant ressentir le besoin de bouger, mais qu'elle en était incapable. Pourquoi l'activité physique est-elle si différemment perçue chez les uns et les autres? Est-ce possible d'inclure une routine d'entraînement dans sa vie même lorsqu'on n'aime pas bouger? Certainement! Toutefois, vous devrez peut-être modifier votre façon de penser par rapport à l'activité physique.

Tout est une question de perception

Avant d'embarquer sur un tapis roulant, d'effectuer des mouvements de musculation ou toute autre activité, vous vous devez de comprendre la raison qui vous pousse à détester l'acte de bouger.  De mon côté, lorsque j'étais obèse morbide, je voyais le sport comme une punition que je m'infligeais, un sacrifice énorme et une perte de temps. Après tout, j'aurais pu prendre cette période de temps pour être devant mon ordinateur.
Puis, quand j'ai décidé de prendre ma vie en main, ma vision de l'activité physique a littéralement changé. Je voyais désormais mes entraînements comme des périodes de temps privilégiées pendant lesquelles j'investissais dans ma santé. C'était du temps que je prenais pour moi et un défi personnel que je devais relever à chaque séance en me poussant le plus possible. J'ai réalisé qu'en plus de la dépense énergétique, je me sentais beaucoup mieux en général lorsque je pratiquais une activité physique. Je serais porté à vous dire que c'est la même chose pour vous. Si avant même votre entraînement, vous percevez le tout de façon négative, vous risquez d'abandonner après quelques semaines. Toutefois, en voyant le côté positif de vos séances de bougeotte, vous mettez toutes les chances de votre côté.

Une fois que l'esprit est convaincu, passez à l'acte

La plupart des gens qui n'aiment pas bouger croient qu'il n'y a que peu de façon de s'entraîner. En effet, pour le commun des mortels, pratiquer une activité physique se limite à aller au centre de conditionnement physique ou d'enfiler ses espadrilles pour faire un jogging. Mais si vous y regardez de plus près, vous remarquerez qu'il y a beaucoup d'activités différentes que vous pouvez pratiquer tant à l'extérieur qu'à l'intérieur. Dans mon processus de perte de poids, chaque fois qu'on m'en donnait l'occasion, j'en profitais pour essayer un nouveau sport.
Voici mon top 7 qui vous permettra de bouger  et d'aimer l'activité physique.

1.    Randonnée pédestre

Avec un des plus grands centres de conditionnement physique à ciel ouvert en Amérique du Nord, le Québec a beaucoup à vous offrir. En effet, il est possible de parcourir des sentiers pédestres de niveau débutant à intermédiaire et ce, peu importe la ville dans laquelle vous habitez. Un petit truc, si vous n'aimez pas transpirer, commencez avec des sentiers de débutants. Si ce n'est pas possible, lors de votre montée, arrêtez-vous chaque cinq à dix minutes afin d'abaisser votre fréquence cardiaque et d'observer le paysage.

2.    Marche dans le voisinage

Qui a dit qu'il fallait aller loin de chez soi afin de bouger? Lorsque vous arrivez de votre travail ou le soir après le souper, profitez-en pour enfiler une paire d'espadrilles et marcher vingt ou trente minutes. Si vous avez l'impression de perdre votre temps et que cette activité est pénible à vos yeux, allez-y en écoutant votre musique préférée ou trouvez-vous une personne avec qui vous pourrez discuter tout au long de la marche.

3.    Cours de groupe

Malgré ce que l'on peut en dire, les centres de conditionnement physique ne sont pas destinés seulement qu'aux gens qui pratiquent la musculation. Lla plupart d'entre eux offrent des cours de groupe. Que ce soit un cours de Zumba, de step ou de cardio militaire, il y en aura surement un qui saura vous plaire. Pour ceux et celles qui préfèrent la douceur, optez pour un cours de yoga ou de Pilates.

4. Vélo

Cette activité peut se pratiquer seul, mais aussi entre amis ou en famille. Elle est idéale pour tous ceux et celles qui ont horreur de l'entraînement conventionnel. Aavec un vélo, vous pouvez rouler à la vitesse que vous désirez, et ce, en limitant grandement les impacts sur vos articulations. Pour ceux et celles qui n'aiment pas bouger, lorsqu'elle est pratiquée de façon légère, cette activité ne génère pas beaucoup de transpiration par temps frais. Finalement, si vous n'êtes pas un adepte de longue ballade, utilisez votre vélo pour chaque petit déplacement que vous feriez normalement avec votre voiture. De mon côté, je prends souvent mon vélo pour aller à l'épicerie ou à la bibliothèque. Ça me permet de bouger et de m'oxygéner.

5.  Cours de danse

Qu'elle soit en ligne ou en couple, cette activité permet de bruler jusqu'à 400 calories par heure. Lorsque vous dansez, ce sont presque tous vos muscles qui sont sollicités. De plus, si vous dansez sur une longue période, votre système cardiovasculaire en ressentira les bénéfices. Bref, la musique permet de bouger plus longtemps et sans réellement vous donner l'impression que vous vous entraînez, alors que c'est pourtant le cas.

6. Golf

Bien entendu, afin de maximiser la dépense énergétique, je vous conseille fortement de laisser le kart de côté et de marcher votre parcours en entier. Cette activité est géniale pour ceux et celles qui aiment les sports plus doux et calmes. Le golf vous permettra de pratiquer une activité physique sans trop élever votre fréquence cardiaque. Un petit truc, commencez avec un petit parcours et progressez avec le temps.

7. Natation

La grande majorité des gens aiment se baigner. L'effet d'apesanteur ainsi que le sentiment de bien-être que l'on retire lorsqu'on est dans l'eau sont là deux facteurs qui motivent les gens à sauter à l'eau aussitôt qu'ils en ont l'occasion. Lorsque vous êtes dans l'eau fraîche, votre corps consomme en moyenne 10m % plus de calories. Cela est dû au fait que votre système doit tempérer votre corps. Pour l'entraînement dans la piscine, allez-y à votre rythme. Le plus important, c'est d'être constamment en mouvement.  Que ce soit à la brasse, au crawl ou sur le dos, cette activité vous aidera à retrouver la forme et à bruler des calories sans même que vous vous en rendiez compte.

À quelle fréquence dois-je m'entraîner?

Si vous êtes du type à détester l'activité physique, je vous inviterais à commencer avec un entraînement par semaine de façon à vous y habituer. Après quelques semaines, si le coeur vous en dit, passez à deux ou trois entraînements hebdomadaires. Toutefois, si vous sentez que votre corps ne vous en permet pas plus, demeurez à un entraînement. Parfois, il vaut mieux bouger une seule fois et en retirer du plaisir que de bouger plus souvent et de le faire par obligation.


Malgré le fait que la liste des activités soit pratiquement sans fin, certaines personnes demeureront convaincues que les sports ne sont pas faits pour elles, mais en y mettant en peu volonté et en changeant la perception que l'on peut avoir de l'entraînement, il est possible de tout changer. Reste à savoir si, vous aussi, vous êtes prêt à changer votre façon de penser.

Your Free Guide to Losing Weight by Waking Up Your Internal Fat Burning System

By understanding a little more about how our bodies actually work, we can give ourselves a better chance to lose weight and rid ourselves of those unwanted and unhealthy pounds we may be carrying.
The truth is simple, to lose weight and burn fat; you need to get rid of more calories than you are consuming, nothing new there.

Is weight gain something new or did cavemen get fat?

Of course they did, but only in times when there was plenty of food around - in fact most animals do the same. The fat was stored as fuel that they could then use when times got harder, which in those days, invariably it did. However, we hunt in supermarkets, we have cars to get to places, and in short, we are a lot less active than our ancestors were, so consequently when we eat more calories than we burn by exercise, the extra calories have to go somewhere, so they end up as love handles and bingo wings! Incidentally, we also tend to eat 3 times a day whereas our ancestors didn't; they used their stored fat to get them through.
To understand how this really affects us, we need to know a little about how we store fat.

We store fat in 2 ways, as either White or Brown fat cells.

White Fat: These are the cells where we store fat.
Brown Fat: These cells actually burn fat.

So logic would tell you that if you want to burn fat or lose weight, you need more brown fat cells than white - so how do you go about doing this?

Good News 1

Well, the good news is that your body already contains a recently discovered essential fat burning hormone called IRISIN.

It works in the following way (this this is the exciting bit!)
When you exercise, you muscles release Irisin and it works by turning some of these white fat cells into brown ones.

Good News 2
These new brown cells will continue to burn fat even after you've stopped exercising, so helping you to lose weight.
The research that sits behind this was conducted at Harvard Medical School in 2012, and has shown that this simple process is at work within all of us. The research continues to examine how it could become a future treatment to help us maintain a healthy body weight, and reduce the risk of diabetes.

Good News 3

Now, there is nothing new that exercising on a regular basis is good for the body and the mind and that as we exercise, we can feel changes happening within our bodies.
But what this research suggests is that as you exercise, you can stimulate your own fat burning system, so no need for pills or magic potions.

A programme of regular and moderate exercise will also offer you more protection against many other diseases, including type 2 diabetes, reducing the risk by nearly 60%-more than any medicine yet invented. So, although currently unproven, it is fairly likely that Irisin affects insulin production, as this is the case with mice, so it is likely to be the same with us.

The research into this hormone is continuing, but so far the connections with fat burning are very strong. We produce Irisin as part of our natural metabolic process, but you can potentially increase the amount you produce by making a few changes to your current lifestyles. Your behaviours, your environment, what and how much you consume and your exercise regime are all important factors, but you have an ally within you that can help. You just need to be able to release more of it.
Often, we struggle to find an effective exercise programme to help us to burn fat, or to produce more fat burning Irisin. The 15 minute fat burning furnace is a simple, effective and sustainable way to do this. To view a free video about this and to learn more about this and other great fat burning tips, head over to

Article Source:

burn fat and build muscle

Fat burning advantage by practicing exercises in the morning. A frequently asked question ...
Is it better cardiovascular exercise in the morning or evening?

You burn the same number of calories in the morning than in the evening for the same amount of exercise. However, research shows that the percentage of fat burned during exercise in the morning on an empty stomach is bigger.

A study at the University of the State of Kansas USA, evaluated the type of calories you burn by doing exercise fasting and also after a normal meal.

Eight individuals in good physical shape (aged 21-27 years) participated in this study.

The results have shown that you burn the same amount of calories on an empty stomach after a meal, but people who had consumed any calories before exercise, burned greater amount of fat than those who ate their last meal up to an hour and a half before exercising.

Other advantages are related to cardiovascular exercise done in the morning. The increased energy throughout the day and increases metabolism (more calories burned) during the waking period.

In addition, this research has shown that people who exercise early tend to maintain their exercise program long term.

While those who prefer to exercise later in the day tend to miss workouts, this being due to distractions and fatigue daily.

The experts agree that training the practice of physical activity in general is beneficial regardless of the time you do.

Get up early to do your cardio can help you burn more calories from fat.

Exercising at night is also effective and should not be overlooked. When you exercise in the evening, your metabolism increases so you burn fat and pull a huge advantage for the cardiovascular system.

Spread your meals to burn more fat.
The composition and distribution of meals can play an important role in your ability to burn fat.

Losing body fat quickly depends not only what you eat but when you eat.

If you do your cardio in the morning, do it immediately after waking up and not eat.

Take an additional type Energy Performance Booster ® with caffeine before exercise to help mobilize fat for energy.

Research shows that the use of caffeine before exercise can help burn more fat by affecting the mobilization of it for energy.

To maximize the benefits of cardio throughout the day, you need to split your meals and reduce the consumption of carbohydrates.

Do your cardio 2 or 3 hours after eating and make sure that this meal is low in sugar to reduce the effects of insulin and to maximize fat loss.

After your workout, try to eat a meal at relatively low glycemic index.

This will help support the hormones responsible for burning fat, such as glucagon and insulin control.

Eating at least two hours before your workout cardiovascular and making sure meals before and after your workouts, you are carb burn more calories from fat and avoid depression energy .

Adjust the duration of cardiovascular exercise to build muscle.
Moderate intensity cardiovascular work is the best way to build muscle and improve heart health. While cardio is beneficial to health in general, do cardio 4-6 times per week at a high intensity is cons-productive to muscle growth.

If you do cardio while trying to build muscle, it should be done at moderate intensity.

Means of low intensity exercises that keep the heart at a rate that does not exceed 60% of the maximum frequency (VO2 MAX).

If the intensity is too high, excess calories are burned and you may use some of the muscles for energy.

Balance and distribute meals to build muscle mass.
Build muscle means eating in quantity and quality sufficient to increase muscle mass.

Eat plenty of high quality protein throughout the day both before and after your workouts.

Start your day with a source of quality protein to complement your breakfast (Pure Performance ® Whey or Whey Protein Isolate Performance ®).

It is important to make a contribution to high quality protein and carbohydrates immediately upon waking. Then start your workout in the morning.

If you train in the evening, good absorb calories including protein, complex carbohydrates and essential fats before starting the day.

This is of course completely different for people who aim to try to burn fat and avoid eating before cardiovascular exercise.

Recent research conducted by Tipton show that consumption of 30 grams of whey protein (containing 15 grams of essential amino acids) before and after your workout can increase protein synthesis up to 400%!

Additional research shows that consuming a drink that combines protein and carbohydrates, the type of beverage protein powder immediately after training can also increase protein synthesis.

These are set in the more muscle if they are consumed several hours later.

The following meals should contain a combination of high quality protein and complex carbohydrates.

Build muscle depends on a balance between the proper training, the nutritional quality and sufficient rest for recovery.

Neglecting any of these settings may prevent you to gain muscle you want.

Weight Loss With Green Coffee Bean Extract - Is It Possible?

Everyone wants to stay fit and healthy at any cost. But not many people know the art of doing it. By reading this article, you will get some great help regarding this topic. Coffee bean extract is something that you must have heard of for sure. Basically, it is chocked full of strong anti - oxidants which are similar to those found in green tea and grape seed. These beans comprise in polyphenols, which help you reduce free radicals. Green coffee bean extract based supplements can help you lose weight. Well, one can easily say that such products have really gained popularity around the world. In this article, we are going talk in detail about green coffee bean extract for losing weight. We will tell you how good this weight loss product is.

What is Green Coffee Bean and How Does it work?
The raw coffee beans that haven't been roasted are regarded as Green coffee beans. These types of beans offer you plenty of benefits including weight loss. Chlorogenic acid present in them contributes towards weight loss.

This coffee bean extract is derived from green beans which comprise in Chlorogenic acid. It helps your liver to process fatty acids more efficiently. Due to the reason that fatty acids are processed quite quickly, we tend to lose pretty rapidly. It is an extremely rich source of natural antioxidants as well. The overall affect on your body is quite good and therefore you are able to remain fit and healthy for years. The importance of this product for weight loss is immense. If you wish to know anything more about it then you can consider talking to a trained expert in this industry.

Some of the advantages of such beans are given below:
It offers you amazing energy but never makes you feel jittery.It even boosts up your metabolism rate a great deal so that your natural fat burning process runs through smoothly.The appearance of cellulite is also reduced a great deal.The anti aging properties of green coffee beans are quite amazing.The chlorogenic acid present helps you in the process of weight loss.Helps you in maintaining body sugar level.It has absolutely no side effects.

The best thing about this product is that you can purchase it easily in the market. You can even place an order online as it is easily available on the internet. Pure coffee bean extracts for weight loss can be extremely good and there are absolutely no complaints regarding them. Once you start consuming them on a regular basis you are going to see the difference yourself.

So, this was all about the most amazing things that you should know about coffee beans extract for weight loss. The only thing that you should remember is that you should talk to your doctor beforehand regarding the consumption of such a product. This would help you in staying fit and healthy. This is one way of taking precautions. Read this article carefully for further information. It could be of great help and guidance to you. For any other information you can consider talking to an expert in this industry.

Premium green coffee is a pioneer in this industry. They are known to offer some great green coffee bean extract and green coffee extract to their consumers around the world.

View the original article here

5 Rules To Lose A Stone Fast and For The Ultimate Kick-Ass Lifestyle

5 rules to lose a stone fast and for living a kick ass energy filled balanced social life friendly lifestyle.

Rule #1: Workout but don't cheat yourself
It doesn't have to be in a big bad gym, you can do a perfectly great workout at home or amongst the ducks (and coots) down by the water. Exercise makes ya feel awesome and makes you look pretty darn good too. Don't cheat yourself though - when you're working out bring your A game - focus, intensity and effort all 100% then...

Rule #2: Refuel your body properly
You wouldn't put diesel in a petrol car would you? Then why do we put inefficient crap into our bodies when we know we should be fuelling ourselves with the right types of food. Focus on these foods 80% of the time and you'll be looking and feeling like batman (rule #20). Lean meats, eggs, veggies (every colour imaginable), poultry, complex carbs, nuts, oils etc. When you're diet is (mostly) made up of these whole single ingredient foods you'll be doing yourself a major favour and this proper food will actually help you lose a stone (counter intuitive but true). Don't be fuelish when it comes to food.

Rule #3: DO cheat on your diet.
Following on from the 80% rule - do go mad every now and again - strategically cheating on your diet is pretty cool. Restricting your favourite foods doesn't make sense - you'll resent your healthy lifestyle and begin to despise me for telling you that this food or that food is off limits. No foods are off limits when you strategically cheat on your diet. Enjoying some Pizza, ice cream, brownies or my personal favourite waffles from Mr. Waffle occasionally will not only keep you sane but they actually have a profound physiological effect on our bodies and can actually help lose a stone fast and keep you looking lean and all lovely - the last thing you want is to waste a weigh right? (Pun most definitely intended).

Rule #4: Catch those zzzz.
Burning the candle at both ends? How's that going for you? Energy levels shot to hell? Thought so. Sleep and recovery are as important if not more important than the actual exercising part of been cool. All our hard work and efforts in the gym are wasted if you don't follow rule #2 and rule #4. Our bodies grow, recover and get stronger while at rest make sure to get those 7-8 hours a night. Having trouble sleeping - try taking some magnesium about an hour before you hit the hay.

Rule #5: Challenge your body - run sprints.
Our body craves challenges and loves the thrill and excitement that comes with it. When it comes to challenges for our bodies - there's none better than sprints (especially hill/stairs sprints). Sure you could just hop on the 'road to nowhere' jogging machines that crowd commercial gyms and health clubs but do you want to be like the masses or do you want to be a kickass superhero like Batman? Not that I'm totally against treadmills - I occasionally use them for walking planks...

John Mulry is a Weight Loss Expert, Lifestyle Enhancer, Personal Trainer, Writer, Speaker and the owner of the Expect Success Fitness Lose A Stone Fast System

View the original article here

Why Men Don't Understand Us

As a woman, when you tell a man that you worry about building bulk, most of the time he will frown, tell you that you are silly and that you don't have the testosterone to build bulk. Well thanks buddy, for not really understanding what I am saying as a woman.

Truthfully... I don't think men understand what women really mean when they refer to bulk.
What men don't realize is that women are referring to super board shoulders and a v-tapered back. Yup the kind that makes us look like little hulks.

Here is the thing, I have trained many men and women and I usually have a different workout for each. Men's workouts have a focus on upper body while women prefer to tone their full body. It is rare that women like to build big bulky muscles.

On average, men train at a ratio of 2:1 for upper body versus lower body. Women train 1:1.
When women follow this 2:1 ratio in addition to lifting heavier weights, they tend to increase the muscle tone in the upper body which tends to give off this bulkier look.

I am not afraid of weights, in fact I love lifting weights. I used to be a weight fanatic and lift four times a week at the gym. Weights will make you strong, toned and lean. It will keep your metabolism high and fat lower.
However if you are worried about bulk and are trying to lose fat then how you train makes a difference.
Lift light to medium weights and high reps. On a scale of 1-10, the weight should be about a 7. The reps should be between 15-20 per exercise.

Always stick to a 1:1 ratio where you train your full body equally.
Do a really good warm-up. I suggest about 10 minutes of cardio.
Move fast between exercises. Moving fast will put your body in cardio zone where you will be burning more calories which means less body fat on top of your muscles giving you that lean look.

Follow your weight workout by cardio. This will continue the calorie burn process. I tend to follow a workout with a run even if it's 10 minutes. Your body is still in burning mode, so it is best to take advantage of this and burn away.
See, it hasn't been all our in heads.
Get a complete weight training plan for women at

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How to Deal With Weight Bullying?

No one of us wants to be a victim of bullying. But sadly, there are some people who experienced firsthand bullying from classmates, friends, siblings and sometimes even other family members can be a culprit of bullying.

Generally, there are several reasons for bullying, but studies show that weight bullying is very common especially in obese children and overweight adults.

Detecting Weight Bullying

You may say that you are experiencing weight bullying if:

- You are made fun because of your weight
- You are called "fat names"
- You received comments on your appearance
- You are the center of malicious gossips based on your weight habits
- You are not welcome to any school or social activities
- You are ignored
- You are always humiliated
- You are physically assaulted
- Personal things and foods are damaged or stolen

If you or your child experience this, you are likely be a victim of bullying. However, remember, that you are not alone and that you do not deserve any of these bullying.
You have to bear in mind that your weight is not the measurement of respect. You have to be respected whether you are fat or not.

Is Weight Bullying Wrong?

Yes, weight bullying is very wrong. It is as wrong as racial discrimination or other discriminatory acts due to gender and religion.

You may hear that teasing may happen occasionally among friends but it does not mean that it has to be done over and over most especially if it already affects the self-respect of a person.

What to Do?
Adults can handle the bullying more effectively. But what children may find it hard to deal with bullying.
Here are some tips that will help you deal with bullying:

- Be confident of yourself. Remember that bullies often pick on those people who are not sure of themselves. For you to appear self-confident, make sure that you teach your child to walk head high and stand tall.
- Don't go in places where you can be alone. Do not give the bullies the chance to be with you alone. Bullies will take the opportunity to harass you when you are alone, so, try your best to be with your friends.
- Encourage your child to talk to you or your teacher if there is someone who bullies him or her. Telling the problem to an adult is not a sign of weakness. Bullying is a serious situation that the child's family or teachers should intervene to avoid serious problems later on.

You can find more positive ways to handle weight bullying in Weightism is an open community that is against weight discrimination.

View the original article here

How To Get A Six Pack In 3 Minutes Per Day

However, it isn't all bad news. In fact, just because every new gimmick claims to yield quick results doesn't mean that quick results are not achievable.

The biggest problem when it comes to training your midsection is the amount of contradicting information on the best approaches to adopt. There is not one perfect training method and a bunch of wrong ones, different things work for different people. But the sheer volume of different opinions often simply confuses people to the point of quitting because they don't know where to start.

While you could have one instructor telling you that some people just can't develop their abs and another one telling you the opposite, or a fit friend advising you that you need to eat the latest supplements while your work colleagues tell you to avoid them like the plague, the truth is there is not just one way to get fit. There is not just one correct method of working out. Even in today's health and fitness landscape, where things are becoming more scientific by the hour, lots of it still comes down to trial and error.

While each exercise routine must be specific to your body, the basics of fitness remain the same for all of us.
Below, you will see a very basic yet incredibly effective abdominal workout designed to strip body fat from your body and develop stronger muscles in your core. In doing this, you will finally achieve the definition and physique you have been trying to achieve. Better still, the entire workout can be completed in as little as three minutes.

* Mountain Climbers
* Ninety Degree Crunches (knees held up at a ninety degree angle)
* Plank Variation (instead of being on your forearms and wrists you'll be elevated up onto your hands in the push-up starting position)

Your task is to work through each move for thirty seconds before switching to the next exercise in the routine. The results here come not only from the fact that each exercise is proven, but also from the high intensity you're working at. Intensity is key, so try to make the transitional period between each exercise the only rest you allow yourself to take. Two rounds will take you 3 minutes. If you can handle it, you can increase the workout to five minutes by adding in an optional third round.

So, in a world where you often hear of people doing 2500 crunches per day, why is this very short session so effective? There are four main reasons why, here they are:
* By learning how to train with no equipment you unlock all kinds of new workout opportunities.
* By keeping the session time very low, you can literally fit this into your lunch break if you need to.
* High intensity is the key to increased fat loss. While many people like to do this with their cardio workouts, few people learn that they can also apply the same technique to different styles of training, such as circuits and weights.

* One big area of failure with abdominal training is boredom. It's dull doing sit-up after sit-up. In order to get results from anything in life you need to enjoy what you are doing in the first place.
If you've been lost with your fitness, don't worry because you're not alone. It would be quite safe to wage a bet that most people in your local gym don't really know how to lose weight despite training regularly for years, such is the confusion regarding health and fitness. Providing you combine this information with a sensible diet, learning how to get a six pack in 3 minutes doesn't seem impossible.

About the author: Russ Howe PTI will teach you how to get a six pack in 3 minutes with functional high intensity workouts you can do at work or anywhere else. Learn how to lose weight quickly with the UK's most in-demand trainer.

View the original article here

How to Journal for Successful Fat Loss

Failing to journal leads to failure. When it comes to fat loss; being accountable is the best determining factor of success. If you're looking to lose fat you need to be honest about the types and amounts of foods you are consuming. Journaling has proven time and time again to be the best method for being held accountable. Journaling will provide documentation of the good and bad choices being made. A normal weight person underestimates their caloric intake by 20% and 40% for the overweight person*. The truth is we simply don't have a clue of how much we are actually consuming.

The underestimating of caloric intake is associated more with our perception of what is a serving size. To adjust our perception of serving sizes we need to first be accountable for the current amount of food we are consuming. The accountability process will come through journaling. Recording the foods eaten will give insight into eating behavior. Once familiar with eating behaviors it is time to learn about serving sizes. Comparing how much is consumed to proper serving sizes is the best place to start when it comes to making adjustments to the diet.

The alignment of serving sizes with actual food consumed will start the fat loss process. The next step will be to distinguish supportive foods from non supportive foods. Supportive foods are foods that support the desired outcome. Non supportive foods are foods that don't support the desired outcome. In this case the desired out come is fat loss you will need to reduce the amount of non supportive foods being consumed.
Supportive foods for fall into 3 basic categories: 1. Lean proteins, 2. Fibrous carbohydrates, and 3. Starchy carbohydrates.

Lean Proteins would include foods such as: chicken, egg whites, shrimp, turkey, tuna, and salmon just to name a few.

Fibrous Carbohydrates would include foods such as: asparagus, green beans, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, peppers, and spinach to name a few.
Starchy Carbohydrates would include foods such as: corn, carrots, rice, potatoes, tomatoes, and oatmeal for example.

Non supportive foods would include almost all processed and refined foods for example: any processed flours or sugars.

Start your food journal. Record what you ate, how much you ate, when you ate, and where you ate.
Once you have recorded 3-4 days in your journal take a moment and reflect on what was eaten. Look and compare the servings you consumed to known serving sizes. Compare how many supportive foods you consumed compared to how many non supportive foods. After you have made your comparisons it is time to set a couple of goals to clean up your eating behaviors. Pick one item at time. Recommended starting place(s):

Adjusting serving sizesIncrease intake of Fibrous CarbohydratesDecrease processed foods.
Start keeping a journal today. Here are 2 simple suggestions to start journaling food intake:
Use your smart phone to take a picture of everything you eat.After lunch and/or before bed write down what you ate. Reference the pictures to write down the what, how much, when and where you ate. This can be written in a small spiral note book or logged into any digital option.

In the next article I will discuss how often to eat and simple strategies to create supportive meals.
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How to Lose Post Baby Weight - The Last 10 Pounds

Have you had some success with losing some of your post pregnancy weight, but you are struggling like crazy with the last 10 pounds (give or take) of it? Those last few pounds can sure be stubborn, can't they? In this article, we will go over some ways on how to lose post baby weight when you've got only those last few rebellious pounds to lose.
1. Tracking. Many people dislike writing down what they are eating/drinking on a daily basis but this has actually been known to help many with their weight loss goals. Some people may not realize just how much they are consuming until they see it written down right in front of them. This can help you decide if you need to tweak anything in your healthy eating plan in order for you to achieve your weight loss. Don't forget, drinks such as soda, alcohol and juice, all contain calories, so don't forget to add these in your food journal. You may need to cut drinks such as these out of your diet, or at least cut down on them, as they all contain sugar which will stick to you like glue. Water and tea (especially green tea) are better alternatives.

2. Weekends/Special Occasions. When it comes to how to lose post baby weight, you will need to be careful of cheating on your healthy diet. It's totally fine to cheat the odd time... the operative words being "odd time" (wink, wink). It is common for the weekend to come and for many people to take a "break" from their healthy eating. Also, you may have occasions going on such as birthdays, family get-togethers, movie outings, etc. that may sway you to cheat on your nutritious eating. This could be another reason why your weight loss efforts have hit a plateau, so you may need to bump up your will power over the weekends (and/or at special occasions).

3. Portions. Are you eating the right portions of foods? This can be a very important factor in a weight loss plateau. If you are eating too much, you will have problems losing weight, but if you are eating too little, your body will go into starvation mode and store everything you put into it, which will result in little to no weight loss as well. It is best to always eat until you are just full, not stuffed. If you are wondering what portions of foods you should be eating, a good rule of thumb at, let's say dinner, is to have half your plate full of vegetables or salad, a quarter of your plate with a starch and a quarter with a protein. Also, it is best to eat 3 meals a day with 2 healthy snacks in between.

4. Workouts. Losing the last 10 pounds can depend largely on your exercise routine. When we think about how to lose post baby weight, we tend to groan at the fact that we have to exercise. New moms barely have the energy to keep up with their little one(s), nevermind having the energy to workout. So, what I'm about to say may "hurt" a bit. You may need to workout a little more. If you think you workout enough every week, on a regular basis, then it may just be that you have to challenge your body more. It could also be that you aren't doing both cardio and strength training. Combining the two could really help you in weight and fat loss. If you are doing strength training (which is recommended to be done 2-3 times a week, leaving a day in between), are you working out with the right amount of weight? If you don't feel your muscles getting fatigued by the weights you are lifting, you will need to start using heavier weights in order to benefit from it.

5. Eating Less? Are you still eating the same amount of food as you were when you weighed more? If so, this could be the reason for a plateau. The more weight you lose, the less food (calories) your body needs. So, if you have dropped in weight already, you may need to adjust the amount of daily calories you're taking in. This can be very beneficial in losing the last 10 pounds.

6. Food. Your struggle with how to lose post baby weight may be because you are eating the wrong foods. Are you eating refined or whole grains? Switching to whole grain foods is beneficial for weight loss because of the fiber content, which will not only keep you regular, but keep you feeling full for longer periods of time. Are you eating a lot of foods high in sugar, sodium or saturated fats? These will all contribute to difficulties in weight loss. Are you a latte drinker? Those, for example, are loaded with sugar. Even the sugar you add to your morning coffee counts... it all adds up, especially if you are drinking coffee every day, and many of us drink more than one cup of it. Yikes! Also, beware of frozen meals (yes, even the "diet" type ones), as they are usually loaded with sodium.

7. Realistic. We all have a weight loss goal we want to get to, but just make sure that your goal is realistic. Your body may get to the weight that it's meant to and basically tell you "No, that's it, I'm done". It may be helpful for you to find out your BMI (Body Mass Index) to see what weight your body should be at.

Basically, what we discussed here is that to lose the last 10 pounds, you probably just need to step things up a little bit. When trying to figure out how to lose post baby weight, you may need to try different things and see what works for you, whether you think it may be portion control, the types of foods you're eating, etc. Also, be patient with yourself, it may take some time for the weight to come off. Even if it comes off slowly, that's a great thing, because it's still coming off which is the main thing.

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