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Top 5 Tips To Help You Lose Belly Fat Fast

If you want to lose belly fat, you must be highly disciplined. While genetics, age, and gender have a lot of influence on your six pack potential, the choices you make can have a significant impact on your ability to lose belly fat. Your diet is even more important for achieving a flat, sexy stomach than exercise. Of course, some hard work in the gym will blast calories and boost your metabolism, accelerating your results. Having a sexy stomach is fantastic for your health and appearance, but it doesn't come without sacrifice and determination.

Here are my 5 top tips to lose belly fat fast...

#1 Cut the junk from your diet.
To lose belly fat you should focus on "living off the land." Natural food sources are easier for your body to digest. The more efficiently something can be broken down and converted into energy, the less likely it is to be stored as fat instead of used as fuel. Processed foods are calorically dense and provide significantly less nutritional value than natural food sources.
Plus, most artificial foods are full of simple sugars, fat, and salt. Each of these ingredients helps keep your flat stomach buried under insulation. For example, simple sugars give you immediate energy that raises your blood sugar level. When you have high blood sugar your body has a lot of energy available so it doesn't need to burn fat for fuel. For a flat stomach, fill up on colorful, fresh foods. Stick to whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables and remember "if it doesn't grow, let it go."

#2 Blast your belly fat with cardio and strength training.
You have to burn more calories than you consume to lose belly fat and total body fat. Exercise is the best way to blast calories and it helps strengthen your determination to eat right. Kickboxing is a great aerobic workout that blasts tons of calories and whittles your waist, but the best type of cardiovascular exercise is whatever you can stick to and enjoy regularly.

Strength training increases your muscle mass which raises your metabolism. Whether you use machines or body weight exercises, make sure you engage in a variety of movements that work your entire stomach. Crunches alone can't do the job as they only isolate and work one of the four muscles that make up your abdominal complex.

I always recommend learning some Pilates exercises because they really work all of your abdominal muscles, suck you in, and help you stay long and lean. Remember to always work your back when you work your abs to ensure you are keeping your core balanced to achieve long term functional fitness in addition to creating an attractive physique.

#3 Get enough sleep.
When you don't get enough sleep, your body doesn't burn fat properly. A lack of sleep interferes with the hormones that regulate your energy levels. In an effort to cope with sleep deprivation, your hormones can cause you to crave sugary, fattening foods as quick sources of energy. Hormone imbalance can also negatively affect your cellular and immune function making it harder to get quality shut eye when you do have a chance. You can't lose belly fat unless your body has the energy to flush out fat efficiently. Getting adequate sleep makes losing weight and waist much easier.

#4 Manage your stress.
Chronic stress interferes with your regulatory hormones and can contribute to weight gain around your midsection. It is okay to have stress that energizes you, but if it is paralyzing you, you may be damaging your health. Excessive stress can have negative effects internally and externally. For example, the emotional eating that chronic stress sometimes triggers can hinder your ability to lose belly fat and lead a healthy lifestyle. In this case, learn to recognize and 'digest' your emotions, not surplus calories.
Figuring out how to stay sane despite the pressure you're under is a vital skill that will save your sanity and your life. For a short term fix whenever things get crazy, take a moment to breath deeply. This will help you refocus, slow down, and it will flood your body with oxygen so you feel re-energized.

#5 Limit Your Alcohol Consumption.
Alcohol provides no nutritional value and as the famous "beer belly" stereotype shows, it goes straight to your gut. Besides having more calories per gram than carbohydrates, protein, and fat, alcohol often lurks in settings that contain other calorically dense, salty food sources. Having lowered inhibitions when you want to lose belly fat is a not a position of power. If you drink to excess, the associated health risks can be more serious than a stubborn paunch. However, even if you indulge in moderation, it can affect your ability to do the other four belly busting tips effectively.

In reality, you can unwind with a drink occasionally and still enjoy a toned tummy if you make eating healthy and physical fitness a priority. However, if washboard abs is what you're after, you probably have to choose which six pack you want more.

Following these five tips will make it much easier to lose belly fat fast. Discipline is the difference between stomach flab and stomach fab. By incorporating these five tips into your lifestyle as real priorities, you will get fantastic overall results that will not only help you lose belly fat fast but will improve your overall health and happiness.

Catherine Toops is the creator of, a site that provides practical advice about healthy eating, physical fitness, and developing a healthy body image.
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How to Get Flat Abs Starting Today

The key element if you want to know how to get flat abs is to always remember that losing weight can reduce health risks and improve your quality of life. You must have a positive mental attitude towards your goal of having a flat tummy. Excess weight has reached epidemic proportions globally, with more than 1 billion adults being either overweight or obese.

How to Get Flat Abs: Your Diet
If you want to know how to get flat abs, the first thing to do is to carefully look at what you eat. Exercise is important, but what you eat, and don't eat, is very important when it comes to losing body fat and having a flat tummy.
Your diet should include as many natural as possible and avoid as many processed foods as possible. Foods that are over-processed are unhealthy and do not help your metabolism and hormone balance in your body.

How to Get Flat Abs: Your Exercise Program
The second thing that you need to do is to review your exercise program and focus on working the body as a whole, rather than just your stomach. You need to get the best metabolic response possible to lose belly fat. Your metabolic response is the reaction your body to a specific exercise. The exercise solution on how to get flat abs is to work a high intensity program, with short rest periods, using the largest muscle groups of the body, instead of trying to concentrate on specific muscles like the biceps, triceps, or calves.

How to Get Flat Abs: Your Ab Exercises
The two points above make sense, but, as many people ask when they want to know how to get flat abs, don't you have to specifically train and work the abs? Research has shown that crunches and sit-ups do not provide the best stimulus for a flat tummy. In fact, crunches are one of the abs exercises that actually provide the least amount of resistance, and it is resistance what develops and tones the muscles.
The highest resistance exercises for the abs are hanging leg raises. This exercise works the entire front abs and especially the lower abs. This exercise takes time to get it right and has to be done correctly to avoid injury and obtain the desired results. It is performed by holding yourself up from a chin up bar with your arms just over shoulder width apart. Keeping your legs straight, raise your legs up until they are parallel to the ground and then lower them slowly.

How to Get Flat Abs: Where Do People Go Wrong?
It may sound odd, but where a lot people who want a flat tummy go wrong is that they spend too much time focussing on training their abs. Having a flat tummy is all about getting a low body fat percentage. Your majority of your exercise program should focus on training the largest muscle groups of the body like the legs, back, and chest. That's what stimulates your metabolism and the fat burning hormones that need to get a flat stomach.

Do you want to know more on how to get flat abs? Are you confused about healthy eating? Do you want to learn unconventional workout ideas plus receive nutritional tips for fat loss, fitness motivation and the whole recipe for a lean body? Discover the most popular abs program on the internet that truthfully shows you how to get flat abs with a safe, proven and long lasting system at
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3 Secrets to Burn Fat in 2013

Burning fat is something some of us struggle with throughout our life. There are a lot of myths about the best ways to burn fat and lose weight. People are starting to realize that the so called "fad diets" really do nothing to help you lose weight and keep it off. The trick to successful weight loss is to know the best way for you to burn fat.

While the typical mindset behind losing weight is that you want to cut foods out of your diet that are high in fat, the truth is that if you eat food with a high fat content only once a week you will actually be helping yourself lose body fat. Health experts say that food is the best medicine for your metabolism.

One secret to burning fat is to eat according to your age. When you reach the age of 20, your metabolism changes. This means you need to change the types of foods you eat. The food that you ate when you were under 20 years old had a different effect on your body than the foods you eat once you hit your 20th year. The same amount of food you could get away with eating before will now cause you to gain weight rather than lose it.

Be sure to avoid generic diet plans because they are ineffective due to the fact that everyone's body and metabolism are different. What may help some people lose weight may cause you to gain weight. A customized weight loss plan is the only way for you to successfully gain the body you want.

The final secret is to know which types of food you need to avoid. Everyone knows about the need to avoid high carbohydrate diet, or in other words, such food as cakes and white bread. The minority of people understand that the whole grains are not healthy for our weight loss program. Soy products like soy milk and soy protein are marketed to us as healthy. In fact, soy products contain compounds that can cause our belly fat to grow bigger. On the other hand, such simple products like eggs, tuna fish and nuts being an excellent source of protein can help our body to burn more fat.

It is not easy to achieve the goal of weight loss and to get a slim body. Yet, without knowing the simple principles the task can be even harder.
To learn more how to lose weight visit
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Weight Loss Surgery Can Cure Sleep Apnea

One of the main reasons why some people opt to get weight loss surgery is to drop excess pounds, which is definitely understandable. However, many of them don't realize that these procedures can do much more than help them lose fat. Shedding those excess pounds can also do things like rid them of sleep apnea issues. Now, some may see this as a seemingly insignificant problem. However, there are many people who are dealing with this dilemma who would love to have some relief.

If you are currently dealing with this type of sleeping sickness, you may need to get weight loss surgery. Of course, if you aren't overweight this isn't an option for you. On the other hand, if you are, you may want to look into it. It could definitely change your life for the better in more ways than one. Just think about it.
One of the things that sleep apnea does is cause an interruption in people's sleep. Some people experience waking up with breathing trouble several times a night. This can cause them to be extremely tired in the morning and could even cause them to wake up later than usual.

Imagine someone who has this sleeping issue, trying to go to bed early every night so that they can wake up on time for work in the morning. Unfortunately, one night they end up having a particularly bad night and their sleep apnea issues start getting worse and their sleep is interrupted more than five times. Because of this break in their rest they end up waking up late for work.

Now, what if something like this occurred several times? They would not only be seen as the person who doesn't show up on time for work, but their job could also be in jeopardy as a result. To some, this may seem like a far-fetched scenario, but this can actually happen. The good news is that there is an answer and that is weight loss surgery.

By getting rid of sleep apnea this procedure can also prevent people from disturbing others in their sleep. Many people with this issue make loud snoring noises. Unless the person sleeping next to them goes to sleep first, he or she will most likely have trouble sleeping as well.

So, although weight loss surgery is a great way for people to lose weight, it also provides several other great benefits. This includes improving people's overall health as well as getting rid of annoying and chronic issues such as sleep apnea.

Could your sleep apnea benefit from weight loss surgery Houston? Find more information on the procedure here:
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Fad Diets - Why Do I Gain Weight After Dieting?


While it may be too late for those who have already embarked upon their umpteenth diet, anyone contemplating a reduced calorie diet for the first time should take warning. Likewise; those fortunate enough to still be regarded as slim should take note of what lies ahead should they fail to control their weight. The phenomenon responsible for such a devastating effect upon our lives is a combination of the much heralded "starvation mode" and "weight loss plateau." In truth, it should be correctly termed the "rebound effect."
causes of weight gain

For as long as our weight remains in a steady state there is no loss or gain. A balanced weight is the sum total of a number of factors, shifts in any one of which will not only directly affect weight, but by causing changes in the other factors will also create secondary effects. The primary factors in weight control are;
  • Diet; altering the amount of calorific intake will result in stored energy (fat) either being used up or added to.
  • Behavioral; the amount of physical activity in relation to calorific intake.
  • Biological: apart from the aging process there is also the way our bodies respond to the variable amounts and types of food we eat. All of which can profoundly affect our metabolism. and how effective we store energy.
Our genes do have some influence over how we react to such shifts, and because of this some of us are more susceptible to weight gain than others. However; it is the often ignored biological factor that is the root cause of most diet failures. Apart from responses to pharmaceutical intervention, our body also reacts to diet and behavioral changes, both immediately and in the medium to longterm.

Our response to being overweight
The typical response to our bulging waistline is to batten down the hatches and reduce our calorific intake. All too often we deny ourselves the foods we savour the most. This alone can have a profound psychological effect. Added to this we may skip meals which often results in us more than compensating at the next meal. Unfortunately, the cravings resulting from our self deprivation are only the beginning. The hidden responses, developed over millions of years, are far more devastating

Our bodies' response to dieting
Reduced energy diets will often begin with a sudden weight loss. The very fact that this weight loss slows down should sound the first warning bell. Ultimately all diets begin and end with the brain. Reduced intake initiates signals from the hypothalamus to all energy storing and using cells to increase efficiency, Unfortunately it gets worse, some of the weight lost in low energy diets will invariably be lean mass, or muscle. Skeletal muscle is by far the biggest consumer of calories. Two reasons why the rate of weight loss slows down.

After the diet
Eventually we may reach our desired weight, or simply surrender to the cravings, which is when the problems really begin. In addition to our bodies becoming more efficient we also have less mass to consume the increased energy input, so less food is needed than before. Surplus food is converted to fat before being placed in storage. Finally, in one more quirk of fate; when we diet our fat cells don't disappear, they shrink. However; as our bodies initially struggle to store the higher input, more fat cells are created. Ultimately resulting in a greater fat storing capability.

You have been presented with the reasons low or reduced calorie diets do not work. Rather than being healthy, they are detrimental to our health. Over millions of years, nature has perfected the ultimate response to overcoming periods of food scarcity. Unfortunately; as the evidence suggests, the problem of excess food energy storage is a new phenomenon to nature, and something she has yet to overcome. As the evidence shows; how many times have you, or people you know, embarked upon a diet only to end up weighing more than ever? Fortunately there is a solution, however; just as there are a number of factors that combine to drive our weight up, to succeed, the solution requires a multifaceted approach.

About the author
D.F.Glover is an English, chemistry and health science teacher. As you may have gathered he is no fan of weight loss diets but prefers to teach a multifaceted approach to a long and healthy life. He is person behind, DavidHealthWorld a web site that offers free membership, health and fitness tips, along with genuine product reviews
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