road to change Are you ready to lose weight? Skip the fads and get research-based advice: weight loss tips, healthy eating guides, diet motivation, healthy recipes, fitness and exercise advice and more


i need to lose weight now

God how times have we all said. Even people who I think are too meager to say. We have an absolute obsession when it comes to weight in the world. It is because of the easy lifestyle that we as humans began to create for yourself after the industrial revolution. With cars, refrigerators, restaurants, fast food, computers, television and the Internet. We have hardly had to get out of bed to have a very productive day of work today. We have become a race of slugs. In addition to having to get up and do things for ourselves, we were fat.
So, unfortunately, we have paid a heavy price for our life of ease. However, it can be fixed, and fast enough I might add. Some of us have been packing on the pounds for years. However, did you know that you can lose up to one hundred pounds less than twelve months, by simple work for about 2 hours a day. So if it took you ten years to win you can lose 40 pounds in as little as five months. Barley is a football season. Pretty cool, huh? So do not be discouraged if you say I want to lose weight, but I do not have the time or know how.
First, if you eat fast food and pizza and drink a lot of alcohol and soda, just stop now. The only thing you need to drink water. So who is covered. Now for food, learn how to start preparing your own meals. Stick to healthy things, mainly salads with vinegar and oil dressing. For your meat, all kinds of fish and grilled or roasted chicken.
Try to remember to eat foods with less than 9 grams of fat in it. Also, if you're not too big on the water and try to drink tea, either regular or green tea. It actually speeds up weight loss. If you have ever worked in your life then start slowly like taking a walk of 15 minutes, then increase 15 minutes every 15 to 30 days. Put it if you can with some light running and swimming. Maybe a set of light weight to work at home while your watching your favorite TV show.
My main point is to start doing something, anything, start slowly and make clear objective when it comes to your weight loss. So if you say I want to lose weight, but I do not know where to start, well now you have some ideas.
Keep in mind that, depending on how much you need to lose, you can lose weight in a faction of time it took to put it.

The Best Approach In Weight Loss

Losing weight is really not a complicated process. The problem that most people face when they want to lose weight is that they want fast results with little effort. They want their weight-loss solution in a pill. Fad diets not only do not work, but they are often unhealthy. If you want to lose weight in a healthy way, you have to stick to healthy choices. This article will help you get started in losing those extra pounds safely and permanently.

Before you make any changes to your diet, you should find out exactly how much you weigh and what your measurements are. This will be your point of reference when you want to evaluate your progress. Knowing how much you weight and what you were before you start your program will help you in your determination on how effective your weight-loss approach is.

Set yourself some goals in your weight-loss program. Start with setting a long-term goal. This can be something like losing twenty pounds in six months and keeping the pounds off for the rest of year. Then, set yourself short-term goals that move toward the long-term goal. This can be a weekly or bi-weekly goal of losing a certain number of pounds. Every time you reach your short-term goal, reward yourself with a small, non-food prize. This will encourage you to continue to your next short-term goal.

Weight loss results when you are taking in less calories than what you are burning off. In order to keep track of the calories that you are consuming, get a journal where you can record all of the foods that you eat during the day. Write down the approximate calorie count if possible. This will help you see if you are sticking to a sensible diet during this time.

Eliminate anything in your diet that only provides empty calories. Start with sodas and other beverages that are high in sugar. These have no nutritional value and will only give you a sugar rush. Instead, drink ice water with a twist of lemon.

Increase the amount of fresh vegetables and fruits that you eat everyday. When you increase your portions in this food group, you can decrease the amount in the meat group which is higher in fats. Eating more vegetables will help you maintain fullness because many vegetables are high in fiber.

Exercise more everyday. This can be as simple as walking more during the course of the day. Park farther away from entrances to make yourself walk more. During lunch at work, spend twenty minutes to eat, then use the rest of the time to take a walk. Walk up the stairs when you can instead of taking the elevator.
If you have a friend who is also interested in losing weight, consider forming a buddy system. You can check in and encourage each other in your weight-loss efforts. Getting that bit of encouragement is often helpful to get over the humps.

These steps are straightforward and effective. Consider this approach if you want to lose the excess weight permanently.

Weight Loss Tips To Help You Get Slim And Stay Slim

There are lots of ways to get slim, but most of them are not sustainable for staying slim. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, it is a good idea to start out with methods that you can continue comfortably for a lifetime. In this article, we will share some tips that will help you to attain and establish your weight loss goals. Read on to learn more.

If your weight loss goal is not firm, you should begin your firming up program right there! Establish a firm weight loss goal right from the get-go. If you have a lot of weight to lose, establish a reasonable long-term, ultimate goal. Then establish smaller, weekly and monthly objectives that will carry you to that goal. Plan to lose two pounds weekly. This may seem like very little, but this is a sustainable and attainable amount. As you gradually eat less and exercise more, your body will adjust, and it is far more likely that you will be able to keep the weight off in the future.

The changes you make to your diet and lifestyle should be small and gradual. Do not even consider a weight loss program that demands you follow a starvation diet. This sort of program is bound to fail. You will throw in the towel right away or suffer with the plan until you lose the weight, then gain it all back. Just change one or two things about your diet and your daily activities each week. Substitute a healthy alternative for a fattening alternative in your diet. Add a walk, a little weight work, bike riding, dancing or a swim to your daily routine.

Be sure to stock your kitchen with healthy food choices and continue to make healthy choices away from home. Pack your lunch and take plenty of fresh fruits and veggies to work with you for snacks. In this way, you will never have to resort to unhealthy vending machine and restaurant choices while away from home. One easy way to pack a healthy lunch is to simply halve your dinner from the night before and take a serving with you to work for lunch the next day.

Make active choices throughout every day. Whenever you have a choice between walking, biking and driving, choose to walk or bike. Spend time outdoors in your yard or local park. Join a walking group or local fitness club. If you are not in good enough shape work out comfortably, you can always join a water aerobics class or simply go to the local club or pool for a swim. If you are not exercising at all now, anything you add will be a complete improvement. You will be surprised by the difference fifteen or twenty minutes of daily light to moderate exercise can make.

If you are very overweight, the road to slimness may seem extremely long, but if you begin now you will be surprised by the positive changes you will see and feel within a very short time. By adding healthy foods and enjoyable activities to your life, you can lose weight and improve yourself and your life.

Weight Loss for Today

It was only relatively recently when I retired that I began to take the subject of weight loss seriously. You see I never considered myself to be over weight and ambled through life without giving the subject of weight loss any real consideration. I always looked at others who were heavier than myself and very seldom at those who were fitter looking and slimmer than I was. Even when I began to think that I might have possibly put on some pounds (notice how I said possibly) I still believed that this weight loss business was for others and did not concern me.

The change came about when my daughter in law who happens to be doctor told me one day at the beach that I was definitely carrying excess weight around my middle and that this was a serious risk to my long term health. This was a wake up call for me and I decided to do something about it. I decided that I would take up walking on a regular basis. I really believed at the time that this would completely change the way I looked. I thought that this would give me slimmer look as well as being a health benefit something which I secretly desired even though I had locked out this desire from my life.

Having made the decision to start I was now going to give it my best shot. It just so happened that about this time I came across an unopened bathroom scales which showed weight in a digital format. It was however in kilograms and not stones and pounds which I had always used. In spite of this I quickly realized that the new scales had the big advantage of registering kilograms in tenths as for example 86.6 and 86.5 and 86.4 etc. The big advantage of this was that one could see one's weight descend from 75.5 to say 75.4 for example. This was capable of showing progress albeit only small progress but progress nonetheless. I could have never seen this on my previous scales which were impossible to read for such small changes. The feel good feeling that even small changes in weight loss delivered was for me fantastic. There is nothing to compare with real progress towards a goal.

The first problem that I then encountered was that I found the walking boring and after awhile found myself making excuses for not doing my daily walk. However I soon found a wonderful solution to this problem when I started what I call walking with purpose. By this I mean finding a purpose for the walk as distinct to walking in circles. In my case I decided to walk to the city's cemetery to visit my late departed family and friends. This was a walk of 3 miles each way which I never found boring because it had purpose and in fact I looked forward to it every day no matter what the weather threw up.

While I made some initial wonderful progress (I think that it was the shock to my body) I soon came to a stand still. It was then that I realized that I needed something extra. I knew that someday I would have to consider what I was eating and drinking but had again tried to fool myself into thinking that I could have avoided this.

I knew that I had to cut out sugar as much as possible in all it's forms. This would be for a start. When I decided to do this it led me into a world of knowledge that I did not know existed. This led me eventually to set up my own website where I could dispense helpful advice to those who both needed and wanted to loose weight.

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