This is the final article of the series. The first article 'Burn
More Fat - 5 Easy Ways to Burn Fat Faster' we introduced some very basic
every day foods and step you can begin to implement today; to get you
burning fat faster. As stated in the first article, burning more fat
just isn't about foods that burn fat or exercising to burn fat. It also
has a great deal to do with our day-to-day activities. Here are the
final 5 things you can begin doing today to help burn fat faster.
1. Eat some Iron. Popeye was right when it came to eating his Spinach. The leafy green is an excellent source of iron. Iron is essential since it helps to carry oxygen to your muscles, which then helps to burn fat. A low supply of iron usually results in a slow metabolism. Avoid conventionally grown Spinach and avoid the pollutants from pesticides. Also, avoid canned Spinach as a lot of nutrients are stripped from the vegetable during processing. Other good sources of iron are: Shellfish, lean meats, and beans. You might get some iron from fortified cereals, but if they are 'fortified' then they probably aren't good for you to begin with.
2. Vitamin D. This vitamin is great for preserving muscle tissue. A portion of Salmon (about 4 ounces) will provide you with almost 90% of your recommended daily intake (about 400 IU). Getting outside and enjoying the sunshine is also a great place to get some vitamin D. Others include: Tuna and Eggs. You can also get it from milk, but as stated before: if it's 'fortified' then it probably isn't good for you to begin with.
3. Get More Calcium. It's not just found in milk, which is good for our lactose intolerant readers. People that are calcium deficient generally have a slow metabolism. There is some suggestion that dried fruits actually contain more calcium than fresh fruits; with some exceptions. Rhubarb has been found to have the highest amount of calcium. Dried fruits include: apricots, seedless raisins; plums; pears; and oranges. Steamed vegetables include: mustard spinach with the highest amount. Followed by: mustard greens, collard greens; and spinach.
4. Mmmm, Watermelon. Yes, eating this summer-time favorite is a great way to burn off the fat. An amino acid called Arginine, seems to help promote weight loss. The amino acid does this through the oxidation of fat and glucose cells in the body. When not in season, find other Arginine-rich foods such as: seafood, nuts, and seeds.
5. Hydration is Key. With over 85% of our bodies made of water, this life giving liquid is key to burning more fat. A body that is dehydrated will burn fewer calories, than one that is sufficiently hydrated. At least eight to twelve 8-ounce glasses of water are recommended. Best to drink bottled water or purified water; and avoid the pollutants in tap water.
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1. Eat some Iron. Popeye was right when it came to eating his Spinach. The leafy green is an excellent source of iron. Iron is essential since it helps to carry oxygen to your muscles, which then helps to burn fat. A low supply of iron usually results in a slow metabolism. Avoid conventionally grown Spinach and avoid the pollutants from pesticides. Also, avoid canned Spinach as a lot of nutrients are stripped from the vegetable during processing. Other good sources of iron are: Shellfish, lean meats, and beans. You might get some iron from fortified cereals, but if they are 'fortified' then they probably aren't good for you to begin with.
2. Vitamin D. This vitamin is great for preserving muscle tissue. A portion of Salmon (about 4 ounces) will provide you with almost 90% of your recommended daily intake (about 400 IU). Getting outside and enjoying the sunshine is also a great place to get some vitamin D. Others include: Tuna and Eggs. You can also get it from milk, but as stated before: if it's 'fortified' then it probably isn't good for you to begin with.
3. Get More Calcium. It's not just found in milk, which is good for our lactose intolerant readers. People that are calcium deficient generally have a slow metabolism. There is some suggestion that dried fruits actually contain more calcium than fresh fruits; with some exceptions. Rhubarb has been found to have the highest amount of calcium. Dried fruits include: apricots, seedless raisins; plums; pears; and oranges. Steamed vegetables include: mustard spinach with the highest amount. Followed by: mustard greens, collard greens; and spinach.
4. Mmmm, Watermelon. Yes, eating this summer-time favorite is a great way to burn off the fat. An amino acid called Arginine, seems to help promote weight loss. The amino acid does this through the oxidation of fat and glucose cells in the body. When not in season, find other Arginine-rich foods such as: seafood, nuts, and seeds.
5. Hydration is Key. With over 85% of our bodies made of water, this life giving liquid is key to burning more fat. A body that is dehydrated will burn fewer calories, than one that is sufficiently hydrated. At least eight to twelve 8-ounce glasses of water are recommended. Best to drink bottled water or purified water; and avoid the pollutants in tap water.
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