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6 Foods That Curb Sugar Cravings

While many of us crave sugar for emotional reasons due to it being a "psychoactive" substance, there can be physical reasons for your sweet tooth as well. Sometimes willpower isn't the problem--it's poor nutrition. If your diet is mostly processed & cooked, you may be lacking the fiber, vitamins & minerals that your body needs to keep your blood sugar levels stable.

Here are 5 foods that can help curb sugar cravings and get you on the right track in terms of healthy eating:
1. RAW TOMATOES - rich in chromium & serotonin. Lack of the mineral chromium can be one cause for craving sugar, as it stabilizes blood sugar levels. Low levels of serotonin (the happy hormone) can be another. Tomatoes give you a two-for-one deal!

2. ROMAINE LETTUCE - again, rich in chromium. Consuming lots of processed foods, white sugar & caffeine (coffee, soda, etc) can create a chromium deficiency. Romaine lettuce is also high in protein and fiber.

3. LEAFY GREENS - such as kale, chard, collards, spinach, mustard, beet, chicory, dandelion & arugula. Your "catch all" foods for nutrition. Loaded with fiber, vitamins and minerals, eating lots of greens, especially raw in salad form, is one of the top ways to really nourish and energize your body so you aren't attracted to the short-term energy boosts that sugar provides.

4. CINNAMON - known to regulate blood sugar levels. Just a 1/2 teaspoon a day can really curb your sugar cravings. Pair it with number 4 and number 5 and set up your day right to avoid getting that sweet tooth later on in the day. Try drinking herbal tea that contains cinnamon throughout the day or when a sugar craving strikes.

5. WHOLE OATS - Be sure to go whole rather than quick or instant, as whole oats still contain all their fiber. Oatmeal is ranked number one for satiety. It's high in fiber and is shown to reduce hunger later in the day. It's also rich in B vitamins and zinc. Just don't eat it smothered in sugar! Instead, add cinnamon (#3 above) and finely chopped apple (#5 below) and some raisins or chopped dates to sweeten.

6. APPLES - High in pectin, a dietary fiber. Eating plant-based (fruit & vegetable) fiber is one of the best ways to curb cravings. Apples have the perfect mix of fiber & fructose, plus they have a low glycemic rating compared to many other fruits. Be sure to eat the skin! And be sure to buy your apples organic.

Melody Larson is a natural weight loss and holistic wellness coach, law of attraction teacher, published author, and successful entrepreneur offering free wellness tips, spiritual growth advice, and healthy vegan and raw food recipes on her site,
Grab her free ebook, 3 Holistic Secrets to Health & Happy Weight Loss, in which she shares her own top personal strategies for losing weight, eating healthy and living happily.
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