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Are You Ready to Make a New Year's Resolution to Lose Weight in 2013?

As the end of the year rapidly approaches, it's time to start giving thought to what type of New Year's resolution you want to plan for yourself.

For those who make this an annual tradition, New Year's resolutions provide people the opportunity to strive towards a goal to achieve that year.

Anyone who has lacked the motivation to get started losing weight, wondering when would be the best time to start developing a more healthy life, this may be the perfect opportunity to kick-start those efforts into gear.

Personally, about six months ago I started a weight loss commitment with an overall goal to lose sixty pounds. I am currently twenty pounds lighter, and with the New Year quickly approaching, this has given me and idea. An opportunity to focus on certain aspects of the weight loss process that I want to improve through the use of a New Year's Resolution.

For instance, at the start of this weight loss journey, I had a difficult time controlling what I ate. For me, this was the greatest obstacle I had to overcome. Stopping the bad eating habits that contributed to my enormous weight gain over the past ten years.

When initially starting out, on numerous occasions I fell back into the habit of eating fast food, snacking a bit too much while at home, and basically not sticking with my plan I started out with. This was a difficult habit to break but by consistently reminding myself of my overall goal I was able to control those urges and now they hardly ever pop up anymore.

Now in December, through perseverance and dedication to make my goal become a reality, I've got a much better handle controlling the choices of food that I make.

Having a weekly menu of meals has helped immensely and has actually inspired me to want to cook meals that will be healthy for my body. Therefore the need or desire for me to ever have go out to get a McDonald's or Burger King meal has completely ceased especially when most combo meals are 1,500+ calories. In all honesty, I don't think I've eaten fast food for over a month which is by far a record for me.
With the New Year's resolution coming up soon, there are certain aspects I want to focus on to improve my success with weight loss. One is to exercise more frequently by having a schedule that I will stick with. I realize that if I combine a regular exercise schedule and continue with my healthy eating habits, I will lose weight at a more rapid pace.

Therefore as this New Year approaches, start thinking about possible resolutions you want to establish for yourself. What are the goals you would like to accomplish in 2013? Is this the year you declare that you are going to tackle the weight issue?

One fact about New Year's resolutions is that they are more likely to be achieved when the individual is firmly committed to making it come true. If you are determined to be successful with your New Year's resolution, and plan out a strategy to help keep you focused, then you will make it happen.

Gregory L. Gomez, M. Ed, has been teaching 5th grade in the LAUSD for 12 years and has recently embarked on a journey to lose weight, eat healthier, and finally get in shape! Follow his progress on as he strives to lose 60 pounds through dedicated exercise and eating healthy. From healthy eating guides to a step-by-step manual to help tackle the process of losing weight, readers will find the latest information to combat the rising obesity epidemic and start getting into shape at
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