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12 Weeks to Slim With These Simple Rules to Keep You on Track

Get slim in 12 weeks and Look good on holiday with these simple rules.
"Every diet will generally work, but not every diet will last! You need to change your attitude to food."

We don't want you to eat less, we want you to eat better!!
Diet is a word which conjures up pain, sacrifice, and a short term approach to eating.
I'm going on a diet suggests that once you've completed the 12 week diet, or 12 week fitness plan, you'll come off the diet and go back to your old habbits.
We want to help you change you attitude to food, in order for you to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle for LIFE!!

We want you to become:

1. Leaner through eating the right foods
2. Keep your brain young and active
3. Lose fat
4. Eat more weigh less
5. Sleep better
6. Have more energy
7. Improve your fitness
8. Look better
9. Look younger
10. Enjoy Life
The four Rules:

RULE 1: Don't Fear Fat
Eat healthy fats such as avocados, nuts, olive oil dressing, Omega-3 supplements (as dosage suggests).
I'm going to try and keep it as simple as possible, as the difference in the molecular structure between fats could bore you to death, and I don't want you to put this down!
We do need fat to function though, so don't ever think of cutting it out of your diet completely.
· Avocados
· Nuts (not salted)
· Olives
· Olive Oil
· Omega-3
That's enough for now.

RULE 2: Protein

You need to think big when it comes to protein, you may have heard of weight trainers and boxers having steak for breakfast, although this works this can get expensive.
So if you can afford it great if you cant look for other sources but think big and get a large amount of protein into each meal.
We generally say a gram of protein per lb of body weight. If you don't have scales to hand, again generally use your fist for size. The best sources coming from eggs, fish and poultry and lean red meats.
The reason we want Protein in each meal is that they are the building blocks for lean muscle mass. Now girls dont think I dont want to build muscle, you have a different make up to men, you will not beef up - just be eating more protein and working out, you will get leaner though!
Not only does protein help repair muscle and keep you looking lean, but it will also raise your metabolism and increase your calorie burn.
In other words if you want to lose weight and tone up Proetin is essential for making this happen.
They are countless studies done where subjects have been on High Protein Diets, Low Protein Diets and No Protein Diet.
Each time the high protein dieters have lost the most fat. We cant stress the importance of a high protein diet to accelerate your results.

RULE 3: Stop Eating Added Sugar:

Not only does high doses of sugar and starch increase blood sugar, and leave you hanging for the unavoidable drop off a cliff, but studies have also proved that sweetened foods can make you over eat.
I don't want to over complicate things so just AVOID FOODS WITH ADDED SUGAR.
Can you survive without sugars? Of course you can! Do you want all those things listed at the top, I'll repeat them here;
1. Leaner through eating the right foods
2. Keep your brain young and active
3. Lose fat
4. Eat more weigh less
5. Sleep better
6. Have more energy
7. Improve your fitness
8. Look better
9. Look younger
10. Enjoy Life
As a rule just stay away from foods with added sugar, when you get in the swing of this diet you can occasionally indulge in a cheat meal, (in fact I do once a week, it helps shock your body occasionally and speeds up your metabolism), it's a nice treat to have once in a while, but the general rule is AVOID FOODS WITH ADDED SUGAR.

RULE 4: No more Starch:

WTF? OK starches are the main carbs in white bread, potatoes, pasta and white rice, which is why we recommend whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta and brown rice. Just this little switch will help melt away your belly.
A little more detail here as I always preferred white breads, pastas and rice. The problem with these as I said above is that they are full of starches, which are quickly absorbed by the body and again much like above (sugars) will increase your blood sugar setting you up again for a quick return of hunger.
Which forces you to eat again, and if you choose foods with sugar and starches will repeat the whole process! Get the picture!
The best bet is to replace these starch laden products with vegetables, however if you want to have a dose of these carbohydrates please do the following:
· Have once slice of Whole wheat Bread
· ½ a cup of whole wheat pasta
· ½ a cup of brown rice
· ½ a large potato
Each constitutes a prortion and you can have three to four a day.
and that is it - follow these four rules, and you will lose weight without even going to the gym!!
However if you want real accelerated results read below.

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