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Fitness after pregnancy

The chest is a part of the body especially sensitive to hormonal fluctuations. It therefore undergoes significant changes during the nine months of pregnancy when she prepares for her role: breastfeeding.
As the breasts do not contain muscles, they are also very sensitive to the effect of gravity. The young mother breastfeeds or not, the breasts lose their tone after childbirth and regain their shapely as the recovery of the hormonal cycle (naturally or the pill). Contrary to popular belief, it is not breastfeeding that "abyss" breasts but the whole process of motherhood that "transforms the body into another body." Inevitably, the skin relaxes and, in some cases, stretch marks appear. The darker pigmentation of the nipple may continue after the postnatal period. But if women lost something by becoming mothers, they earn a certain fulfillment in their bodily experience.
However, some measures are needed to minimize unsightly effects of motherhood on the chest:
- Wear a bra day and night after childbirth - you are breastfeeding or not. Continue to bear a good nursing bra while you are breastfeeding.
- Avoid at all costs abrupt volume changes caused by weight gain too fast, a diet too severe congestion, and some hormonal treatments. Thus, abrupt weaning in full lactation (within one week after delivery) is the worst thing to do for breast aesthetics.
- Breastfeed 5-6 months and then wean gently is the best way to find a nice curve (about one year after delivery). Attention in the weeks or months after cessation of breastfeeding, some women may feel small cysts in the breasts. They are "galactocèles," appeared on the ducts with milk is not completely removed. Do not squeeze or touch them, they will disappear spontaneously after a few months.
- Practice exercises to tone the pectoral muscles.
- Moisturize the skin of the chest (making sure however not to put cream on the nipples if you are breastfeeding).
Above all, remember that it takes about a year for the body to recover from childbirth. After all, for millennia, prehistoric woman had fat reserves for two years nursing.
Unfortunately, for some women, the process of returning to normal is excessive and mammary gland atrophy (with or without breastfeeding). With cosmetic surgery, it is possible to get reshape the breast, but it is advisable to wait to have had all his children. It is also important to mature with her husband's decision to undertake a cosmetic surgery of the breast (most men find their wives to their liking and are not keen on the idea of ​​a breast prosthesis).

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