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How to Lose Weight Fast - Quick Ways to Lose Weight

If you were buying a new dress you would [hopefully] ask yourself some questions before making the purchase. Will I keep wearing the dress or discard it after wearing once [will that gimmicky diet be tossed aside]? Does the dress suit me [no use going on a cabbage diet if you hate cabbage]? I could go on... but the bottom line is... your diet must be nutritious and satisfying if it is going to suit you in the long term.

The food you eat, the liquid you drink, and the exercise you do, are three key ingredients to a healthy weight. By healthy weight, I mean a realistic weight based on your body shape and size. In fact, I would go as far as to suggest that you don't weigh yourself very often, as I have found that it can cause anxiety to be ruled by the weighing scales.

Once you embark on a healthy lifestyle - which is for life enhancement - you can expect to feel good about yourself, and you will feel the effects of your change of lifestyle. The scales will fade into the past.
Start by looking at what you eat at the moment. It might be a help to you to write it all down.
Do you eat a lot of refined foods that contain a lot of salt and/or sugar? Be a label junkie. Start looking at food labels and see what you are eating. You could be in for a surprise at how much sugar and salt are in everyday foods. Medical guidelines suggest a very low consumption of sugar and salt. Find healthier alternatives that have less salt and sugar

Vegetables add very few calories. They fill you up quickly and easily and they really are the dieter's friend. Vegetables add a lot of volume to your diet. They are digested very slowly and contribute to the feeling of fullness. Eat more vegetables instead of a sweet pudding.

Are you drinking the recommended 8 glasses of water a day? It must be pure water, not fruity, sugary, or soda beverages. Water is cleansing to your whole body and is also a natural appetite suppressant. Drinking a glass of water 30 minutes before your meal helps to give you that full feeling sooner. It will help you to eat less and will help you to feel you have had a satisfying amount of food.

When you decide on a better eating plan for How To Lose Weight Fast, also consider when you will eat. Three to five regular meals a day are essential. Remember to adjust the amounts if you are having five meals instead of two. Do not eat between meals. Always have a good breakfast so that you start the day with energy and avoid eating at least two hours before bedtime. While you sleep, you are inactive, and your metabolism slows down. Eating earlier, when you are active, can burn more calories. Have a food plan.

How to lose weight fast includes exercise. Exercise is a very good way to keep fit and lose weight. Losing weight quickly will require quite a lot of exercise. If you do not exercise regularly at present, you do not have to start with hours of working out at the gym. Start gently with short sessions. This could be as simple as parking further away from your work or the shops so you have a longer walk, or doing a few laps around the office at lunch time. Some people have even come up with clever exercises that can be done at a desk and will not be intrusive to others. Fit suitable exercise into your daily routine.

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